

How can I request a piece of custom jewelry from your Shoppe?
Just email me at shealynnsfaerieshoppe@gmail.com with your ideas, and I'll work with you to design the perfect piece!
I specialize in wirewrapping, beading, and chainmaille, but am flexible with other techniques as long as they don't require specialty tools (ie, I can't do enameling at the moment). Custom orders can take up to 3 weeks to complete if they require supplies that I don't keep in stock. Please note that I will not copy another artist's design, but if you choose to include inspiration photos I will keep that "look" in mind.

PLEASE NOTE: I only accept custom orders on a case-by-case basis during college (and presumably after school as well, when I have a day job).

Can I guest post on your blog? Will you write a guest post on my blog?
I'm usually very busy so there is not a guarantee that I will be able to make time to write a guest post for your blog, but it can never hurt to email me! I don't bite!

Can you help me with a jewelry/craft technique that I'm struggling with?
Sure! Feel free to message me; if I know how to do it and I've got the time I'll be happy to help out.

I'm confused....how do you spell your name?
It's "Shaylynn."

I started this blog when I was 13.5 years old, and thought it would be cool to use "Shealynn," a spelling that my parents had originally considered. Because I was 13.5 and being extra-old-fashioned was the height of coolness. These two spellings have led to a lot of confusion-- and even me being called "Shee-ah-lynn" in real life by people who first knew me from my blog! (Shealynn is pronounced the same way as Shaylynn!)

I'm kinda stuck with it now, since this blog and my shop have been around for a while. It's a conversation starter, I suppose!

Will you make a tutorial for a piece of jewelry on your Shoppe?
It takes me a long time to make the jewelry on my Shoppe, and most of the designs are original. I've made many tutorials for simpler pieces and even a few of my own original designs, but if I haven't made a tutorial for it yet, it means that 1) I haven't had the time, or 2) I don't want to share step-by-step instructions. As one of my friends once said, if you are really set on plainly copying one of my original designs, the fastest way is to buy it and reverse-engineer it! However, you can let me know what types of things you'd like to see more tutorials for and I will keep it in mind. :)

May I sell items I make using your tutorials?
Yes, IF you credit me properly (Shaylynn Ann, Shaylynn Rackers, or Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe). If you use a technique tutorial as a starting point for a project that turns out very different from my own piece, there's no need to credit me, but it would be lovely if you could link to the tutorial on your blog, post, etc.

How did you learn drawing/painting/jewelry-making/etc?
For a long while I was self-taught-- if you call spending long hours learning from talented bloggers, youtubers, and writers being self-taught. I homeschooled through high school, and while I didn't have much in the way of structured art lessons from my engineer parents, I had a lot of time and freedom to explore the arts on my own. Then I up and studied art at college and received intense training from some very knowledgeable people!

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