See y'all after Easter!
April 20, 2011I know that blogging has been slow. But, hey, I warned you!
Long story short, once upon a time I thought I'd start a blog to share my art on. I was trying to be safe on the internet, but I love my name like crazy (thank you, Mom and Dad!) and didn't want to use anything else. So I turned Shaylynn into Shealynn.
Originally, that was the way my name was going to be spelt. However, my parents recognized that people would be likely to say "Shee-ah-lynn" rather than "Shay-lynn..." So Shaylynn it is!
In case you were wondering, Shealynn is NOT pronounced "Shee-ah-lynn." It's still "Shay-lynn."
The whole "its-not-my-real-name-and-is-therefore-safer-online" logic doesn't work for me anymore. Ever since I began working on the Ink and Fairydust magazine, I've decided to use my real name online. It's a good way to "get the word out" for the future-- I hope to be a graphics designer. :) The best way to be safe online is never to give away personal information, which I never do.
I still love "Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe." It's so olde-fashioned and fairylike.
(By the way, do you know what the etymology for Shaylynn is? It means "fairy of the deep pond," or "fairy of the palace." How cool is that? It's way too appropriate).
Does that clear up some confusion? Hopefully? Maybe? Not really...? Bummer. I always do a terrible job of explaining things.
These are just a few of the posts that will begin shooting up around the blog like mushrooms in a fairy ring.
Guess away. ^_^