
6th Day of Christmas-- Ephemeral Pillages Giveaway

On the sixth day of Christmas, Ephemeral Pillages is giving away two beautiful peices of jewelry handcrafted from old vintage buttons! Wings of a Dove Ring:This lovely little button ring is handcrafted from two vintage buttons, both dating between the 1930s-1950s, and a handmade shrink plastic dove that I cooked in my oven. Yum! Ring is glued securely to a silvertone, nickel-free base....

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5th Day of Christmas-- The Velvet Heart: Jewelry Giveaway

Keys have been a big jewelry trend lately; a trend that I love. Keys mean so much, especially old fashioned ones with long-kept secrets, rusty ones whose locks have been forgotten, or newer keys with sentimental attachments. And just keys in general are so pretty. Especially when they are paired with bright and colorful flowers and other decorations! The Velvet Heart is giving...

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12 Days of Christmas giveaway

4th Day of Christmas-- Cleirigh: Bobby Pin Giveaway

On this fourth day of Christmas, I'm happy to present Cleirigh, a lovely Etsy shop run by a mother of two. She makes polymer clay figures, accessories, and jewelry. And... bobby pins! I love these yummy bobby pins... (some of my favorite shades of my favorite colors!). They would be gorgeous in any hairstyle, but I would totally do some vintage curls and...

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3rd Day of Christmas-- Axis Mundi Jewelry Giveaway

What Child is this who, laid to rest On Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom Angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping? It's always a good thing to remember the reason for the season (however over-used that saying may be!) Today's giveaway is from Axis Mundi Jewelry. They sell beautiful handmade religious jewelry. Axis Mundi Jewelry is giving away a pair...

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12 Days of Christmas giveaway

2nd Day of Christmas-- Le Belle Madeline Giveaway

EDIT: This giveaway is also available for anyone living in Italy (not just the US.) My mistake. :) Nothing could be a better combination than a mug of tea (or coffee or hot coca), a good book, and a long afternoon. (Tea! Tea not only goes with good books; it makes studying and exams infinitely better. I know. I discovered this just a couple weeks...

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12 Days of Christmas giveaway

1st Day of Christmas-- Evenstar Giveaway-- GIVEAWAY CLOSED

Merry Christmas!  Christmas has begun! I had a wonderful time celebrating with family. And I'm pleased to announce that the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Extravaganza starts right now! Each of the next 12 days will feature a giveaway from various artists, artisans, and crafters. There are some truly lovely shops giving away some stunning items. I really wish that all of you could win!...

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Merry Christmas!

I'm having more fun destroying more books!  (Only books that deserve it, of course. The one I cut up for this project was a Reader's Digest super-abridged story-of-the-year book that looked like it had been on the Salvation Army's shelf for many years.) I'm also having fun teaching myself how to use Photoshop. And I'm having fun doing stop-frame animations. Although I've worked on...

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book art

O Tannenbaum

I am finally on Christmas break-- that glorious time with no school and nothing to do but enjoy time with your family (and spend any leftover time doing artwork!). I'm looking forward to Mass tommorrow night and then our tradition of eating pizza, baking Santa cookies, and reading The Night Before Christmas (and each year it gets harder and harder to fit all...

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lost in a book

destroyable books blog series at shealynn's faerie shoppe all photography belongs to shaylynn (shealynn's faerie shoppe), if you would like to share-- for personal use only-- you must link back to my blog, thank you! ...

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A Plan for Joy

I'm very excited to announce that a very big project I have been working on is completed and published! A Plan for Joy in the Home: A Workbook on Organizing Your Day for Homeschooling Mothers is a wonderful workbook written by Laura Dominick that does exactly what the title says-- it gives awesome tips for homeschool parents. It's available for sale here. A few...

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I'm excited to announce an event happening here at the blog during the 12 days following Christmas! Over the past few months, as the blog has surprisingly grown (like, alot, it's quite a blessing and exciting!), I've been approached by a couple of people wanting to do giveaways here. I hesitated, because I'd prefer people to visit the blog because of the content, not...

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Saint Swap

This November my little sister and I participated in a saint ATC swap! A.T.C. stands for Artist Trading Cards, and they are basically trading-size cards that you make small peices of art on. The swap was hosted by the lovely blog Pondered in My Heart. Each participant made five pieces of art and mailed it to the family hosting the event. They swaped...

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A Pretty Package in the Mail-- Shipping Tips

I always love getting mail. Letters are the best, of course-- loving letters from friends and family-- and so are handmade cards and lovely magazines. There is always such a thrill in recieving something just for you. It's magical. This is one of the reasons why I love to make all my packages be pretty. These are a few of my favorite things......

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