
An Update! (No way!)

October 12, 2015

As most of you know, I am a student in a double-major program for Graphic Design and Illustration (plus a minor and honors requirements), and every school year the amount of blogging, vlogging, facebook-posting and generally-interacting-with-people-online that I do decreases significantly.

This year I am having a little more trouble than most, trying to keep up with school, family, friends, and a business. I do not have a single weekday under nine hours long (twice a week there are 12 hours of near back-to-back classes), and massive homework loads on top of that.

I wanted to just clue you in on why I haven't been blogging as much, and why I sometimes take a day or possibly two to respond to Etsy convos, rather than just a couple hours like I used to aim for.

I will not be cutting back on getting orders out for my Shoppe-- please don't worry about shipping delays-- but I do not think that I will be able to get all my new inventory online for the Christmas season, and the dozens of photos waiting to be turned into blog posts will need to wait, also.

If you have any commissions or customizations, please plan a slightly longer time for me to make it (I almost exclusively work on weekends now, so even small items need about a week to make).

It's not ideal to have to cut back on inventory updates and marketing right before the Christmas season when you are running a small business, but I am a student first and want to make the best of the opportunities I have at school (and not go crazy!).

Probably my Instagram account will be updated the most if you'd like to keep up with a sampling of the art and jewelry work I am doing now! And if you casually want to chat then leave comments or tag me there because Instagram is how I kill time if I'm on the bus or waiting 5 minutes for a professor to walk in.

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