
Ozarks Maker Faire | Display

February 27, 2017

The school year is in full swing, so as usual blogging has taken a backseat to classes (and work). But I wanted to share with you all some pictures from the Ozarks Mini Maker Faire! This is the second year Springfield has held this event, and the second year I've participated as a vendor.

I don't often have the time or opportunity to participate in fairs, but it's always a blast. You get to meet so many cool visitors, and connect with other participants about their own creative projects.

This year I updated my booth with several new DIY displays (with help from my dad and his garage full of awesome power tools). My family came down to support me and helped to set up everything before exploring the fair themselves, and my little sister stayed to work the booth with me!

(All photos taken by my mom)

Here's the booth setup. The "corner stand" was designed by my dad and I, built from scratch. The two boards can stand up on three legs for indoor shows (pictured) or can attach to the legs of the canopy for outdoor shows (where they create eye-level "walls" for the booth).

When I'm not using the boards, they function as drawers in the workbench at my apartment. I keep all my smaller jewelry organized there-- necklaces and earrings are displayed on pieces of cardstock with my brand info, and put into small plastic sleeves that I use for shipping online orders. These bags are attached to the board with binder clips.

I attached the binder clips to the boards with a rivet gun.

Here's my dad and youngest brothers helping to assemble the boards.

My sister helping to set up the table. It's a banquet table with an extra "box" on top (which unbolts into four pieces of wood that easily fit into my car), covered with tablecloths. I purchased the necklace displays on the top level, but the lower displays are pieces of masonite wood cut out with the scrollsaw and painted with wall paint.

(Handpainted silk scarves in the background!)

The headpiece display is just foamcore for floral arrangements with a scarf on top.

And this last-minute chainmaille display is actually an old canvas! I just covered the (terrible) painting with solid gray.

The signs are masonite wood painted with acrylics.

I included a little photobook with pictures of some of the custom pieces I've made for weddings and costumes, since I usually don't have the biggest jewelry designs in stock.

I have some old posters discussing different techniques such as electroforming, soldering, and chainmaille. The posters are a bit outdated but I haven't had a chance to design new ones yet.

The side table had headpieces and cloaks that visitors could try on. I painted a "fairytale photobooth" people could take pictures at.

And I just had to throw in a shot of baby sis :) 

Believe it or not, all the tables, chairs, displays, and boxes of inventory all fit inside my station wagon! (Station wagons are the most useful cars in the world and mine is awesome. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They get a bad rep.)

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