
Glorious Old Supplies

First off, I wanted to let you all know that I had several great posts planned for over the weekend/ early this week. More sketchbook tours, more bookart, more new jewelry designs... But I am being haunted by the Mysterious Blue Screen of Death. A couple of weeks ago, we were unpacking some more moving boxes and I found a treasure trove of interesting...

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Book Clock {Tutorial}

For someone who is as obsessed with books, like I am, you can't beat this piece of time-telling art. It has graced my bedroom for months, showing off my bookishness, geekiness, and craftiness (and all of that adds up to awesomeness, yes? lol, now I sound like my brothers). You can see more of my Destroyable Book projects {here}, and more of my...

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Confessions of a Teenage Caduceuturg

I would like to introduce you to Kat, guest blogger for today. She is a lovely young lady with bright red hair and a love of Tolkien, Anne of Green Gables, and more.  (In other words, she is pretty awesome). Today she is going to share with us the story of the wands that she makes with her family!  . (I know that...

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When Books Come to Life

click to enlarge  I have always had dreams about books coming to life. They are your typical daydreams of the sort, when either the characters appear in real life or you appear in book life. However, this kind of bookart makes me giddy because I am able to bring a page to life... almost literally. I had one of those Destroyable Books sitting...

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