
The Entwife's Jewelry

The Long Expected Party dance came and went in a flurry of beautiful music, tired feet, lots of laughter, and many beautiful costumes. And now I can finally reveal Laura's outfit and the jewelry I designed for her! Laura (of Sew Many Seams-- check out her blog!) created the world's most intricate costume and dressed as an Entwife. You can see more details of...

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tolkien month 2012

Tolkien Month Will Be Tolkien... Couple of Months?

Thirdly and finally, I wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT! I regret to announce that- though, as I said, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to spend among you- this is the END!  I am going. I am leaving NOW! GOODBYE!"  Nope, not going anywhere, not stopping blogging, etc, etc, etc. I just love Bilbo's birthday speech! image via I hope that...

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guest blogger

A Drawing of Faramir and Eowyn {Guest Post}

When I read Shaylynn's first post about Tolkien Month, I thought, "I have got to do something for that. Because... because that is awesome." But since that post was back in July, I figured that I had time to think of something really special to do.  And then came August.... And September.... And then school started... and I just could not seem to...

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guest blogger

Effective Treatment of Post-Reading-Tolkien Syndrome {Guest Post}

My name is Rebekah Hendrian, and I am one of the owners/designers of VirvatuliDesigns, from West Michigan, USA. I am a 23 year old writer who works in a bookstore and runs an Etsy shop on the side. I am working on publishing my first novel, an Arthurian retelling for ages 10 and up, which means I am writing queries and getting rejection...

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Little Felt Frodo Doll {Guest Post}

Hello readers of Shaylynn's Faerie Shoppe! I'm Vicki, and I blog over at Decked Out in Ruffles, where I share DIYs, outfits, photography, and random/life-related posts. I'm a 19-year-old homeschool grad, a junior in college, a dreamer, dabbling writer, a major geek, and a Christian. Oh...and I love The Lord of the Rings.(: Last month was my cousin's...

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