--- 1 --- I'm back home for the summer, and I'm working on Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe full time! Between summer classes, volunteering, and wanting to put in a lot of time into jewelry design and artwork this summer, I wasn't looking forward to going back to my previous summer job. After talking to my parents about plans for my Shoppe and figuring how much it...
Hey everyone! I have so much artwork from my freshman year that I'm going to have to break it up into a couple of posts. I'm pursuing a Graphic Design and Illustration major (it's a tough program to get in to and I won't know if I do until next spring) and freshman year was dedicated to the Foundations. These are the basic...
Hey friends! It’s time for another flash sale… As you know, I am currently moving my Shoppe from the Artfire platform over to Etsy. During this process I am doing some flash sales on the items still remaining on my Artfire page. This weekend, in honor of Memorial Day, I am offering all the red, white, and blue items in my shoppe at...
Updates, and a tour of my dorm room. I actually made this video a couple of days ago... FINALS ARE OVER, but I'm going back to school for a one-week intersession class, so the real summer doesn't even start until this weekend. After that, wonderfulness. ...