
Queens and Princesses

October 04, 2014

Handmade jewelry, homemade gowns, and legitimate swords and staffs can turn ordinary party-goers into Elvish queens and princesses. This is precisely what happened with my beautiful cousins and aunts during our latest get-together! You might remember that I shared hilarious pictures of outtakes from this photoshoot in the post We're All Mad Here. Now, I am thrilled to share the pictures that turned out well!

I think that I will let the photos speak for themselves, and I hope that you enjoy our craziness! Doing photoshoots like these are so much fun. :)

(And if you want to find out more about the Lord of the Rings prop replica weapons you can see the older blog post talking about all of them in all their awesomeness!)

All the jewelry used in this photoshoot is from my Etsy shop.

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