These are more pictures of the design that, for lack of a better name, I am calling the "Twisty Design". The green and blue one is my favorite... those are my absolute favorite shades of my absolute favorite colors. The problem is, I didn't think about making it big enough to fit me. I made it the same size as the pearly one,...
Remember that post a few months ago when I claimed I would never again try to crochet with wire? Well, I guess I lied. A few weeks ago I got to see some of the spectacularly amazing jewelry my friend D. made. She had made several crocheted necklaces. They were amazing! So, of course, I had to ask just what she did to...
This is another fun design that G. and I came up with! Actually, most of it was her idea. :) My jewelry is normally very delicate, or at least very swirly and sparkly. I was very pleased with this fun, bold design. I actually did not make this one; G. made it for me. I made one for G. but forgot to grab...
A few days ago, I had a friend over whose ears are not peirced. She's never had earrings, and I dug up some cheap clip on (techincally, screw-on) things. We had fun with hot glue, beads, and wire! G. had some great ideas that I never would have thought of-- for example, putting buttons on earrings! I just realized I forgot to snag...
My entire family are Lord of the Rings geeks. :) N., W., and I all dressed up as LotR characters. B. was going to; but his Gimli costume was packed. I suppose I could search for an old picture of him wearing it! M. was going to be King Theoden, but wouldn't wear the cape. So he was a firefighter. A. was a...
In the latest issue of Ink and Fairydust, I wrote an article on writing with the Elvish characters called Tengwar. There wasn't room so it got shortened. Here is the full article: ...
I have decided, for simplicity's sake, to remove the Read More option on posts. I've found it sufficiently difficult to navigate the blog with these little jumpbreaks hopping around like mad hatters, and I do not want to get rid of the "You may also like" widget. As I get more time, I will set about removing the Read More from previous posts....