
Elf Costume

I finally got a picture of my Elvish costume. Thank you, "Rose", for needing a picture of it asap. :) Only the dress is shown in this picture. My costume also included a white cape from an old costume and a full jewelry set I made. I hope to do a photoshoot sometime with the full costume (if I can get my brother...

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The Lord of the Rings has, yet again, been dragged around wherever I go. This time around, I am reading it sloooowly, taking time to absorb all the depth and detail. Of course, I can never read such an awesome book without a strong itch to draw... This drawing is based off of a black-and-white photograph. I drew it entirely freehand. Total time...

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Aragorn! Aragorn and Sam are tied for my all time favorite Lord of the Rings character. The day after I finished my Gandalf drawing, my brother immediantly printed out a poster of Aragorn and told me that I must draw it. So I did! The picture had strange lighting... It made Aragorn look angry rather than kingly. I tried fixing that in my drawing, but...

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Messing around...

As you can see, I'm experimenting with different backgrounds, layouts, and HTML. I should be finished in a little bit! The Old Look The New Look So, what do you think? I love Blogger's new "Template Designer" (only available in Blogger Draft). That combined with some computer-punching and alot of Google magic helped create the new look! I know that not all of the...

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