The lovely Aquariann passed on these awards to me-- my first ever blog awards! :) Apparently I am a Stylish and Versatile blogger. (Edit: Pink Scarf sent this to me, too!) I'm now to tag 15 amazing bloggers... This is going to be difficult! I like too many blogs, but I want to tag artsy-craftsy-writing-creative blogs (I tag personal blogs on my own...
I want to apologize for the scarcity and quality of the photos in this tutorial. The camera was acting up. DIY Steampunk Watch Pendant A necklace for modern steampunk fans. This necklace will blend into everyday outfits, only revealing its awesome steampunkyness upon closer glance. Who can resist watch parts and brown beads? You will need: An old cheap watch Thick fabric (I...
Just a wee little update on the Shoppe! I took the plunge and made my first ever Collection! So, yeah, it's all my stuff. I'm just learning, though. :) All the items shown in the collection (and more) are on sale-- 10% off!!! (Jan 2011) Take advantage of it while you can! I thought we'd been having so much snow that you need...
Steampunk. Think Victiorian futuristic sci-fi. Also think of steam engine power, watches, goggles, pearls, brass, steamboats, lace, airships, time travel machines... Yeah, steampunk is a little hard to explain. (image source) (image source) (Jules Verne's books are considered some of the first steampunk stories.Random fact: did you know that there was never any mention of a hot-air ballon in Around the World in...
Hello, dear Fairy Peoples! ...I think that nickname is going to stick. If you are reading this right now, please know that you will forever be known as a Fairy Person. (sinister laugh) I just wanted to let you know that there won't be any blog posts this week. I have exams. In every subject except Latin and German. Which means I'm spending...
Hi, everyone. I'm having a few difficulties getting the pictures to upload. Since I got the really important pictures up, I decided to go ahead and publish the post. Check back in a day or to to see the example pictures. My Lightbox Do you want to know how to take great pictures? { Please read my Jewelry Photography tips!! } Have you ever...