30 Day Drawing Challenge

Day -1 (or is that Day 0?) Drawing Challenge Begins Tomorrow

The 30 Day Drawing Challenge begins tomorrow! Are you interested in being as crazy as me? Head over to the original post and add your blog/flickr/etc. to the linky list! The more, the merrier! And if you only want to join in for a day or two... you can always just link up to that specific day's linky on that specific day's post. This...

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I Hit the Jackpot!

I take an art class at a small strip-mall business that is technically a music store that offers music lessons. We get some nice (and very repetivive) music reverberating through the art room-- Peanuts' Christmas, Pachabel's Cannon, and The Entertainer are some of the songs that are now forever stuck in my head. Several weeks ago, I was inspired to try making some...

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Reading in the Rain

Splat. Patter. Patter. Crack. What a dreary evening. The girl sighed deeply and pushed her homework away. She was finished. Normally she would be joyful at this moment-- the first moment of true freedom.  But it was too cold, too wet. Too dark. As the room was lit with a fleeting, harsh white light, the girl ran her fingertips over the spines of...

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Ring Follow-up

My ring, as of today! A few months ago, I made some wirewrapped rosette rings and posted a tutorial. The pictured ring is the first one that I made. My purity ring broke (and unfortunately I don't yet have the ability to fuse sterling silver back together), so I have been wearing this rosette ring almost continuously since March 2011! This ring was...

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30 Day Drawing Challenge

In Which I Announce that I am Off My Rocker

This November. Many of my friends will be spending over an hour a day writing novels, as part of the NaNoWriMo challenge. I don't do well when it comes to writing an entire novel in a month. (I didn't make it past 20 pages last year, and the year before, my 50,000 word story was gibberish). However, I can't let them one-up me. I have to...

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around the house

From Our Backyard

Today I was blessed with several hours with nothing planned... so I headed outdoors to do my first oil and first en plein air painting. Isn't the view from our backyard gorgeous? My sweet painting set-up I recently began an oil painting in my art class, but one hour a week is precious little time for a painting! So today I found an unopened set of...

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guest blogger

I'm not going to be creative with a title for this post

{image via} School. That's pretty much all there is to it. I'm working on midterms and getting caught up (I got a week behind in two subjects). And I have several large projects to work on. The blog is going to have to take a little bit of a break. Just a couple weeks. On that note, I'm welcoming anyone who would like...

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No Sew Fabric Mousepad { Tutorial }

This is one of those "just because" projects. Just because I wanted a little something pretty to look at while writing all those essays. You will need: An old mousepad or some corkboard Pretty fabric Scissors Mod Podge (decopauge glue) I started with one of those boring freebie mousepads with a plastic film top. And I just tore the top right off. Step...

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An Artist's Nightmare

warning: very mild scariness. make sure you don't have any super-sensitive little kids looking over your shoulder. (sorry, sis!) I have something to admit. I have a phobia. It's not arachnophobia (fear of spiders). It's not barophobia (fear of gravity). It's not even xanthophobia (fear of the color yellow...?!) Nope, I'm scared of breaking my right arm and not being able to draw/write/type/etc...

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