
What's On My Workdesk? + Wordless Wednesday

January 29, 2013

I recently heard about a blog linky called WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday) hosted by Stamping Ground where many artists and crafters write a short blog post about their workspaces covered with all their works in progress. Since I've been much too busy to prepare a blog post for this week, I thought I'd go ahead and join in and let you all peek at my workdesk!

Well, okay, you get to see about a square foot of my workspace. The rest is... um... I'm a teenager-- we're supposed to keep things messy, right? Right?

Above you can see projects from this week that are still living in my crafting space. The circlets are custom orders that I am very excited about!
And the painting is clearly just an acrylics exercise that isn't going so well.

I snagged this shot two weeks ago so I'm going to sneak it in here just because I forgot to take other pictures of the torc necklaces. So. I made two cool torc necklaces lately. :) And used up all my thick wire. :(

I also killed half and hour working on some Elf-ear costume jewelry things. I made a few of these a couple of years ago, but it would be nice if I can figure out how to make them fit multiple ear shapes without falling off. Clearly I'm still working on it.

Some sketches for a booklet I'm working on.

This is a sneak-peek picture of one of those circlets that is still sitting on my workdesk.

So, those are the artsy things currently cluttering my crafting space! The desk in my bedroom is covered with school papers, so I imagine you don't want to see what's on that workdesk. And most of my time this week is being spent on the Ink and Fairydust magazine. But that's kind of hard to photograph because it's just my laptop and tablet!

I'd love to see what's on your workdesk, so if you join the blog linky leave a comment so that I can be sure to check your post out (I wish I could browse every link on the regular linky but I can't!).

Wordless Wednesday by Aquariann is another cool Wednesday linky so I thought I'd share a photo I recently took:

Complete tangent: I know that many of you have realized that I am very excited, nervous, and slightly overwhelmed with my upcoming decisions on college. This weekend I made a two-day trip to do a scholarship interview and I will be doing another shortly which also involves timed essays. I think that the moment these interviews are over, all the nervousness will be gone and it will be pure excitement! I'm more and more impressed with the programs of the two colleges I'm deciding between. So thank you all for your prayers and support!

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