This is WOYWW #269 (and the second time I've participated) and if you want to see the workdesks of other artists and crafters, check out the linky here! This Wednesday, my workdesk looks like: Yup, it's not my workdesk at all! It's actually the dining room table, but we call it the game room table on account of the fact that the only...
In the midst of studying for the four tests I take today (yes you read that correctly!) I was pretty productive this last week! Here's a quick look at my latest projects. :) (Also I need help naming posts, apparently. I was going to name it "New Finished Projects" or "Updates" and then decided to be boringly descriptive and name it "Tea and...
I'm staring a new, regular blog feature: Workdesk Wednesday. It is inspired by the WOYWW link-up over at the blog Stamping Ground, but I'm going to use it as a personal challenge to keep this blog updated on a weekly basis! (You should check out WOYWW to see the workdesks of other artists and crafters!) Every Wednesday, I will take a picture of...
Warrior royalty mother and daughters On the 4th of July my close-knit extended family stayed at our house for a few days, and I convinced four of my cousins and two of my aunts to dress up in my Elven dresses and the Lord of the Rings swords and staffs for a quick photoshoot.Fun fact: the girl in the middle of the top picture...
Hello fairy friends! Today I am pleased to announce that I am hosting a giveaway over at the lovely fantasy art blog Aquariann. The giveaway is a $25 gift card to my Shoppe, but even if you don't win, you are in store for a treat! I am letting all customers raid my little pirate treasure chest of wirewrapped rosette rings and sparkling...
I found this post in my drafts from earlier this spring! When I was little, I used to think that dragonflies were the fairies' cousins. They are so quick and beautiful, with sparkling, flitting wings... I actually got the idea for this necklace while sitting out by the pond watching some dragonflies hover above the water! It's a stylized version of a dragonfly,...
Today and tomorrow I am running a flash sale for 10% off your entire purchase-- but it's only good until 11:59 pm on July 5th! Here's the link to my shop, and here's the coupon code: HAPPY4TH201407 I'm writing this as we wait for some thirty or so relatives to arrive and celebrate the 4th! It's going to be great! These pictures are just...