Wow! Someone built a miniature Bag End! Its amazing... How someone could have the patience to build it with such meticulous detail, I have no idea. Bag End Miniature This shall be an inspiration. (If I ever decide to do miniatures! lol) ...
These are fom the past year or two or so. Marker! From 2008, picture of an Elf from my imagination Random thing for school 2008 Random thing for school 2008 Okay, this takes some explaining... if you think it looks weird you are right. I did this art thing over at the senior high when I was 13 and they said that you...
I got an iPod touch awhile ago! I was slightly annoyed, though, that the screen could only be used with your finger. Being an artist at heart, I loved the drawing apps. Being big in the bones, I have rather large fingers that made drawing on a four inch screen difficult. Being a person filled with curiosity, I had to figure out why...
WIP= Work In Progress. I forget how long ago this drawing was. It was certianly over a year ago. WIP= Work In Progress. I forget how long ago this drawing was. It was certianly over a year ago. ...
Until we had to clean our house to sell it, I tacked my pictures onto my wall. Partly a show-off display. :P Partly a way to make me continually fix them. You see, if I had to fall asleep looking at them, I would soon get tired of the mistakes, and notice new ones. I kept a pencil by my nightstand and fixed up...
I've been uncovering more and more old pictures from an undated CD. I really should get more organized and start dating my CDs. Some of the pictures are really, really old. Some of them are from barely 2 years ago. I really don't remember! But here they are! A Mothers' Day gift (or was it for Mom's birthday?) a few years ago A...
There are going to be plenty of old pictures coming up on my blog. I actually have no idea how long ago I made these... and these files are all undated. They are most likely from two to three years ago. All I remember about these was giving them to a friend. Well, I normally dislike abstract art. I mean, what is it?...
I've been trying out new techniques and new challenges-- manga being the latest. I have to say, I am terribly thrown off by the weird proportions involved. I found some manga faces that I used as reference to learn. Then I turned my Lucy Pevensie of Narnia drawing into manga in the corner-- I'm sure you can see it, its bright red. :)...
I updated a few posts with new pictures. All the ones that I said, "Hey, I've got more pictures for this laying around somewhere..." Lucy Pevensie Colored Pencil Hermione Granger Colored Pencil Tapestry Crochet (Old) Paintings for Above Staircase I am also going to work a bit more on my Tengwar article-- update it; I learned some new things about vowel phonetics and...
Have you ever found yourself in possesion of a boring nightstand, three dusty dried roses, an idea and no vase? As I had no vase, I decided to use (of all things) a beer bottle. I made sure it didn't have any writing up on the neck. I measured a peice of pretty scrapbook paper and glued on the lacy edges of read paper....
Me no like computers. :P First the scanner wasn't scanning very well. Then I thought I'd simply take pictures of my Lucy and Hermione drawings. I downloaded them, realized the WB setting had been incorrect, and decided to fix that via Paint Shop. Which promptly locked up. Then I had another page to scan in. Our scanner saves images as a TIF. Blogger...
Well, there are many things I like and dislike about this drawing. Considering the fact that it is my first full colored pencil face, and I did it off of a small photograph while sitting on the couch at Grandma's (with cousins watching my every pencil movement), I think I did okay. Anyway, it is a drawing of my little brother! And the...
I drew Lucy Pevensie the next day! This is my typical colored pencil/pen style. Again, I want to pummel the scanner to death. This scan lost all skin color! And the rich reds! Here's a picture of the drawing from my camera. Bit of a weird angle. :P Here is the photograph I based it off of: (you can tell I tottally messed...
I am quite upset at our scanner; even with the help of Paint Shop, the picture doesn't have the depth of color that my actual drawing has. And the colors that it highlighted are the wrong ones-- it makes the drawing look funny. I have decided to get back to honing my colored pencil skills! Believe it or not, this is my first...