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My First Vlog!

Guess what, guess what?! I just made a VLOG! V-log stands for video blog... blog stands for web log... web log is basically an online log... There you go, another fact that you never knew that you never needed to know! This is just a test-- saying "hi," letting you know what's up. Let me know what you think! (I already know that...

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Christmas Gifts

Did you make any handmade Christmas gifts? Here's some that I made. I'm always so thankful that I have the "artsy gene," because I love making meaningful gifts for people. Besides, making stuff costs less. I couldn't afford to buy everyone meaningful gifts! :) This post is part of my Christmas Link-Up! :) Do you recall the beautiful bracelet that I was just...

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Christmas Link-Up

It's time for the Christmas Link-Up I talked about in my last post! It's also the first blog event I've ever hosted... so let's hope this works! :) As long as the world doesn't explode, we're good, right? The Rules are easy-peasy. You must post about something Christmas-y It must be creative in some way It has to be something you did You...

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Just Wanted to Say...

Merry Christmas! Love,Shaylynn ...

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Just a Note


Once a Queen of Narnia...

You know how I lost those 40 pictures? (I mentioned it in my last post). Well, the loss of the pictures left me with nothing to post this week. Or to upload on the Shoppe. So... in the meantime... I thought I'd share some pretty findings... I'm in a very Narnian mood right now. I really want to go see Voyage of the...

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Sacrifice Beads

Have you ever heard of Sacrifice Beads (also known as Good Deed beads)? They are a small set of moveable beads used to count sacrifices and acts of love. St. Therese of the Little Flower used a set of sacrifice beads as a child. Each time she preformed a selfless act or good deed, she pulled a bead from the knotted side to...

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Christmas Sale

{ Visit the Shoppe } and, as always, remember that I love custom orders! ~~~~~~~~~~P.S. Be sure to check out the giveaway that Bramblewood Fashion is hosting! It is one of my Byzantine Weave necklaces! ...

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It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

I thought I'd share some Christmas pictures with you! I'm going to be entering several photography contests, but I don't want to clutter up the blog with a million and one posts. Thus, I am going to put all of the pictures here in one big long post-- and will be updating this post with any new photos.  Enjoy! 1. This little ornament...

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