Well, friends, I am officially on Twitter. Check it out {HERE}. @ ShealynnsFaerie Actually, I've been signed up for quite awhile, and have many tweets up. I don't "get" Twitter... it doesn't seem very intuitive, and I haven't spent much time on it to figure everything out. But I do put up random tweets every now and then! Check it out, and follow...
A couple of weeks ago, I was at a small art show, and spent 3 evenings making some small pieces of artwork. I needed something to display them in, and so.... may I present to you, the DIY Artwork Holder Tutorial? You will need:A small cardboard boxScissorsBlack paint The artwork-- SEE MORE { HERE } Just cut the box out at an angle,...
I apologize that none of these photos are edited. As many of you are aware, my software is non-functioning at the moment. Here are 2 ways to make cheap and easy earring display racks! Last week, I participated in an art show. I needed some displays for my jewelry, but was functioning on little time and a tiny budget. Earrings are particularly hard...
As my Facebook fans know, I recently attended an Art Show. It was a very small event, but a good experience. You can see some pictures of it { here }-- my booth is the last two pictures. I had about a five day's heads up. Five days to figure out displays, print business cards, price everything, and work on more displays. Five...
Life. How crazy it is! These past few weeks have been busy. Friends, family, fun... finishing schoolwork, cleaning the house... enjoying long hours out in the heat of summer afternoons, wearing a floppy hat, and playing with various circus toys... building swingsets with my dad and brothers... sleeping in as late as I want... taking more time for prayer... :) I'm sorry for...
Hey, everyone. Sorry about the slow posts the last two weeks. I'm still working on schoolwork (today is my last day of school!!!) and I'm preparing for a craft fair!!! I won't have much time until after the weekend-- so here's a quickie post with pictures. :) A couple of weeks ago, I went to the Renaissance Festival in our new town. It...
Over the past couple of months, I've had quite a few custom orders. I put a great deal of work into these pieces (it can be pretty hard to figure out just exactly what the customer wants!), but they never get the spotlight on my Shoppe or here. And so... may I present the custom orders from the past couple of months? (Or...