Just some proof that I do occasinally fail at artwork. Even artwork that I spend a couple hours on. I think I still like the colorful, drippy watercolors... but the subject placement is really awkward. And I still need to learn how make my hand do colorful, drippy watercolors the way that my mind pictures them. :) I only unpacked the watercolors a couple...
And NARNIA AUTOGRAPHS. Yeah. I geeked out a little in this video. This video is a little longer, a little hyper-er, and a little bigger than the others. Yes, that means that I figured out how to get my video to download to the computer full size. I'm still having issues, though-- the film whirred while I was filming, and the film is right...
The September/October issue of Ink and Fairydust is out! The theme is Film and Theater. Read it {here}! Guess what?! I am now the Graphics Editor for I&F!!! I am extremely excited to present this issue to you, dear blog readers. It is the first issue that I have been in charge of the graphics design (and I did all the graphics by myself,...
A couple of weeks ago, I was very inspired to make some new jewelry designs and try out new techniques. However, it was one of those uninspired inspirational days; when your fingers want to create and your mind wants to be challenged, but they both get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of new things to be done. The result? I really, really wanted...
Artfire recently changed the way their studios work. I re-did my graphics to fit into the new look, and I also spent forever and a day sorting my jewelry and making buttons so that it is easier to browse. I'm still not sure whether I like the new look or not (although there is not much I can control about it except for...
for all the birthday wishes 17 kind of creeped up on me for all the encouraging comments they mean a lot for being patient with me as i work on school, i&f, and more for being awesome! i'm lazy/busy so this counts as the weekly destroyed book ...
Occasionally, while browsing the great and magical blogosphere, I come across a blog that has a disclosure policy page. I'd tossed around the idea of making a disclosure/disclaimer policy myself (mostly because it would feed my ego and make me feel like a "real blogger" because I see these disclaimers on big-time blogs). However, when I discovered that the FTC requires bloggers to...
Author's note, 2014: Sorry guys, I haven't had the time to keep up with this page and it is likely outdated. Featured at: If you feature something I have made and would like to appear on this list, please leave a comment and let me know. I don't always know when people feature my work. Thanks. Rivershore Books My Craftie Life Lines Across...
Have you heard of Pinterest? It's a "visual bookmarking site." I'm totally addicted. It's exactly what I need (I used to rely on my brower's bookmarks toolbar, but that makes it hard to find projects and artwork-- Pinterest's "picture pinning" is much easier), but at the same time, it's exactly what I don't need (another time killer because I enjoy spending waste time...
Today I'm guest blogging over at Polish the Stars! Head on over to learn how to make a super-easy Floating Bookshelf! Thank you, Megan, for asking me to guest blog! :D And for the birthday wishes! ...
If my last post, full of recent drawings, is not enough art for you... here's the latest sketchbook in my Sketchbook Tours! All drawings done by an 11-12 year old me. Why did I name this sketchbook Frodo Baggins? Well, Frodo Baggins is far more interesting than Sketchbook Number Five from Five Years Ago. Plus, there is a drawing of Frodo Baggins on the last page,...
"Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if one only had a coloured pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling." ~G.K. Chesterton I love those weeks when the world sparkles with new beauty hidden in every mundane corner... just begging me to draw, draw, draw, and draw. School has already been going for four weeks, and I've had...
Royal Filigree necklace. Find it {here}. Once upon a time, in a land quite near you, there was a sixteen year old who made jewelry. She sold the jewelry to make money for art supplies and saving for the big, scary future. She took pictures of the jewelry to put online. She even did a craft fair or two. One day,...