Númenna Music Video
December 15, 2012_________________________
We intended to release this at the same time as The Hobbit premiere but my internet connection was doing funny things. I'm sorry that the quality is really fuzzy and has the strange extra several seconds of black; if anyone has tips on getting videos to upload to YouTube properly, please let me know!
A few months ago, I sent my friend Julie an email: "So, this is probably going to sound crazy, but what do you think of trying to do a music video in Elvish?"
Most people, I think, would have either backed away slowly or rolled their eyes. Not so my geeky and talented friend.
She spent a while translating Into the West, the song sung by Annie Lennox in the credits of The Return of the King, into Quenya. She began with a version on the website Quenya 101, but took some creative liberties with the lyrics and pronunciation in order to fit the words to the music. Kelsey very kindly offered to accompany the song on the piano.
We got some very interesting background noises that I couldn't totally eliminate-- but it was an experiment! Experiments are allowed to go badly in the hopes that they actually go quite wonderfully.
Julie says that next time we're recording a song that is actually in her range.
My favorite part of this project? (Besides hanging out with friends, learning to use awesome software, and being unabashedly geeky?) Listening to the song over and over as I edited the video. :)
By the way, the lovely red-and-blue dress was made by Laura Cook, whose blog Sew Many Seams is definitely worth checking out! This was the dress she made me in exchange for the Entwife jewelry.
Here's a little photoshoot we did:
Á caita lissë ar lumba carelyaLóm lantëa; utliel mettann lendavaÁ humë sí álen óla quenion tuller nóTultëantë olla haira falasselloMan nyénlyo cast? Man nier sinë antalyassë?Rato istuvalyë ilyë caurelyar autuvarVarn rancunyats, nalyë er lornaRefrainMan polil cen i menllénassë?Mana i cast i ninq maiwi ramar?Olla i ëar marya Isil ortaciryar utlier colien mardennaAr lli queruv telp calcannaCala i nenessë, ily fear^autarstel sinta i ambarenna lómvaTer lëor lantëar t enyal_llo ar lúmelloÁv quet utlielvë sí i mettannaNinq falss tultëar, le^ar ni hostuvar ataRefrainAr nauval sís rancunyats, er lornaAr lli queruv telp calcannaCala i nenessë, sind ciryar autarNúmenna.
Leave a comment if you think that Jules' singing rocks and that Kelsey's piano is awesome-- I'd love to show them your feedback!