Yet, it is strangely addicting. I'm talking about Celtic Knotwork! This is my latest obsession. Couldn't have picked a better time, either, right? St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner! I first tried knotwork on the 5th of February (that's the European way of writing dates... sounds much prettier than Febuary 5th, doesn't it?). Here is a peek into my sketchbook. All...
Everyone has their wish lists... As I've been working on jewelry and researching techniques, I've run into quite a few things that I wish I had. Some would let me do new techniques, some would lessen the difficulty of the designs that I make. Shealynn's Wish List of Useful Jewelry Things In no particular order, except #1 1. Unlimited time, supplies, and $$$. 2....
Are you about done with all the snow yet? This year, we had some of the most snow I've ever seen. Actually, yes, the most I've ever seen. We took the opportunity to build some epic snow sculptures! { Be sure to check out our very first snow sculptures, from last year-- Sir Herbert and Eustace the Dragon! } (click on the pictures...
I've several spools of ribbon, wire, and tape that have been floating around the craft room and making mess! So I turned an orange crate into a handy little holder! You will need: a wooden crate (I used a 5lb clementine crate) wooden dowels or unused knitting needles a nail, Xacto knife, screwdriver, or other sharp object paper Modge Podge paintbrush your collection...
Hi, there, Fairy Peoples! Well, I've been pretty busy lately with life. You know, school and making new friends and visiting old friends and last-minute get-togethers with relatives. I really should start scheduling my posts, so that I can write up three or four when I have time, and set them to automatically publish. In any case, I have a very fun craft...
I'd like to share a quick and easy craft that my little sister and I made-- I call it the Clothespin Picture Holder! Addie keeps coloring her coloring pages, and wanted somewhere to display them. I wasn't fond of the idea of having a ton of coloring pages taped to our wall. The clothespins let you clip as many pages as you want...
Our family doesn't do much for Valentine's. Dad usually buys Mom some roses and we cook some nice deserts. (We all need deserts, right?) Yes, this was a fun little craft of mine. Instructional post coming soon... This Valentine's, however, Dad was on a business trip and we had my sister's Little Flower's Girls' Club meeting at our house! Soooo... I felt like...
You're going to be seeing much non-jewelry random-craftiness around here. Do you know why? Because, dear Fairy People, you expressed interest in how I'm decorating! I'll introduce you to my bedroom first. Then comes the craft room. :) Now, I was very excited about moving to our new house. My bedroom, which I share with my 7 year old sister, is very big....