This week is my midterm exam week in every subject except for German... I'm taking a break from blogging, crafting, and drawing to focus on school. And every moment that I'm not studying I'm going to be working on Ink and Fairydust. I hope you'll forgive my absence from the blogging world this week! I do have some pretty cool art projects that...
(if you are getting to this page from my sidebar button, I plan on writing up a new ad space page soon, as some of this info is outdated. -Shaylynn 01/02/13)I am pleased to start offering affordable advertising space here on the Faerie Blog! I love to help support small businesses, artists, crafters, bloggers, etc. :) The first few advertisers can get a...
I like to have a sturdy case for toting paintbrushes around, and the pencil bag that bent the bristles just wasn't cutting it. However, we had a few of these very boring school watercolor sets hanging around. The paints were horribly mixed up thanks to my four year old brother who likes to paint "dragons and knights" that look like (very messy) splotches...
Please go visit the new and improved Ink and Fairydust website! I completely redid the design from scratch! It's far from perfect and will be seeing many more changes in the near future, but don't you think it's an improvement? There were a couple of points where I felt like chucking things at the computer and giving up entirely... *grumbles about how unintuitive...
Happy Valentine's day, dear blog readers! (A day late because I was hard at work on school and non-computer, non-crafty things yesterday. And having a lovely talk with a friend in which we discussed accents and other brilliantly absurd things.) I'm so grateful to you for reading my blog. I do a lot of rambling here on my blog, and it's nice to...
I did not come up with this idea. I'd like to thank How About Orange, for sharing the tutorial for making a bow out of an old magazine. All I did was apply this concept to the whole I-love-cutting-up-old-unloved-books thing that I'm obsessed with. :) You Will Need an old destroyable book scissors tape staples or glue dots Use glue dots or staples....
A few weeks ago, I decided to participate in a homeschool art show. I was just going to enter some of my graphite drawings, but then (me being me, which means I have no idea why I was this insane) I decided to do a new peice to enter. Something a little different. Something outside of my comfort zone. I decided to do...
Remember how I said that I might just make some red and pink and heart jewelry in time for Valentine's day? I actually did! And I discovered some new wirewrapping techniques, too. The first three pages of the Shoppe are all new items. I'm sorry for two "hey, look at all my jewelry!" posts in one week, but I'm fairly proud of some of...