This is my favorite creation so far! I hope to make a matching necklace sometime. ...
This was almost insanely easy, and it looks so classy. First, I put a bead through floral wire. Next, I shaped the 20 ga wire to mold around the bead. Then I twisted the floral wire that the bead is in around the 20 ga wire. Repeat until the bracelet is finished! The bracelet is strudy enough to stay on without actually needing...
This is made from an old plastic perfume bottle that my little sister had. I "weathered" (rubbed pastel or ink with a sponge) the paper, calligraphied it, and attached it with rubber cement. (glue works, too). I filled the bottle with water and glitter (shhh! Its pixie dust to the little ones!), colored the lid with Sharpies, glued a flower on top, and...
This was very fun to make! First I made the two dangles (or wirewrapped loops) that the glass pearls are on. Then I twisted the heart shape, putting the dangle into the bottom loop. Then I attached it to the earring hoops! For the ring, I put a long strip of wire through the bead and pulled it backwards. Hopefully you can see...
These chandelier earrings were a ton of fun to make! They were quite a puzzle to put together, though... except for the actual loop that goes into the ear, this is entirely handmade. I took a strip of wire and made a triangle with two loops in the bottom corner. The ends of the wire are attached to the middle beads. The twisted...
It hath long been a dream of mine to own Elvish jewelry. Who could not, if they but once hath seen The Lord of the Rings? (By the way, today I am randomly writing in semi-Old English. Just so you know.) Such silver filigree as never known! Such delicacy, detail, wonders to behold! And then, to the greatest of all dismays, dashing wild...
I once heard something about wire crocheting- apparently you can make some really cool things with it. So me being me (and I love to experiment) I pulled out my smallest yarn crochet needle and some floral wire. END RESULT: My fingers were very sore. My poor needle was dying a slow and painful death from erosion. And I had only finished two...
One thing about tiny towns is that you can't find craft supplies... you are therefore forced to make your own. Case in point: S hooks. These are perfect for all your jewelry. They can easily be clasped with one hand (think bracelets) and aren't a pain to attach (think lobster claw clasps). Use with jump rings. ...
These little fellas are really helpful. They make a perfect hook and eye clasp when used with an S hook. They can also be used to make chains, chain maille, or dangling things. :) Your materials: ...
More pictures of stuff I made! A butterfly neecklace and an Elvish hair clip. This is the butterfly necklace. I used floral wire and seed beads to make the butterfly. I used these instructions to make the beaded chains that attach the butterfly to the colored hemp cord. For a clasp I made my own jump ring and S hook. The hair...
Hooray!!! I have some new materials!!! Thanks to small towns like ours, it can be very difficult to find beads and wire... A friend suggested I look online, so I spent some of my birthday money on the most beautiful beads and a ton of wire. I've wanted some leaf-shaped beads for making Elvish jewelry. After some reasearching, I discovered these awesome Czech...
I actually made this quite awhile ago but never posted it. Its an acrylic painting. Not too pleased with how choppy it looks- but if I term it "half Impressionist" its just fine. :) I actually made this quite awhile ago but never posted it. Its an acrylic painting. Not too pleased with how choppy it looks- but if I term it "half...
What a boring title. Rings. Well, this is all about rings, and only rings. :) Hence the unimaginative title. The first two are the same design with different beads, the third is on of a myriad "okay" designs. ...
Ear cuffs aren't your typical peice of jewelry. To wear them, you push the 'hook' part over your earlobe and then slide it into place. Once the ear cuff is on, you can gently adjust it by pinching or pulling the part that wraps around your ear. The wire will not stand up to repeated bending, so adjust it once and leave it....
More wire jewelry! I've simply fallen in love with it... the materials I used for making these shown here are: 20 guage wire found at a garage sale Floral wire from Walmart Leftover beads from back when Walmart actually had beads Longnose needlenose pliers (which I raided from Dad's toolbox) Wire cutters (again, raided from Dad's toolbox.Before I found the wire cutters I...
Here are more backgrounds (or rather, several variations on the same one) that anyone can use. Look at my earlier post to see how to use these. ...
You may have noticed a fancy new background and header on this blog. :) The header was made with a scan of one of my drawings, and was edited with Paint Shop. I am going to give instructions on how to make your own... ...
Guess what I've recently fallen in love with? Crocheting. ...
EDIT: I've since made many, many more Elvish jewelries! In fact, almost half the jewelry featured on this blog are Elvish. I've got several tutorials (with more coming!) and I sell some on my shop Elvish style jewlery So... I have always loved the clothing and jewelry in The Lord of the Rings, Narnia, and other movies similar to those. I've always especially...
Not so much a shoppe as a place to display my wares. A nook to cram myriad crafts in. A whole world of creativity. A land overloaded with too many explanations. A waterfall of artwork. However thou dost choose to veiw it. Why Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe, ye asketh? Shealynn is a play on my name. Faerie is another spelling of Fairy. And Shoppe...