
Giveaway Winner Announced!

 Random.org says that the giveaway winner is: Congratulations, Cor Mariae! I can't wait to see what you pick out! You didn't leave a contact email, so please write to me at ShealynnsFaerieShoppe{at}gmail{dot}com! Thank you so much to everyone who entered! :) ...

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Last Chance! Giveaway!!!!

Today is your last chance to enter the giveaway! Check out { this post } to see how you can enter! Don't forget to let your friends know! The winner will be chosen late tonight and announced tomorrow! ...

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Digital Coloring { Guest Post }

I'm am so excited to introduce Elenatintil! You've probably heard me talk about her before. Although I haven't met her in person (yet), she has been a huge inspiration in my life! She runs the Fairy Tale Forum, edits and produces I&F, directed the Shadow of the Bear-- The Movie, helped get me started on the whole writing-is-actually-really-really-fun, and more. Elena is a...

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random updates

A Bloggerly Questionnaire (and jewelry)

Hey, everyone! Thanks to Ashley, who did a questionnaire over at her blog and thus inspired me, I spent my entire (really limited) computer time yesterday writing up a blog interrogation questionnaire for y'all! You can take it { HERE }. Thanks! (By the way, I keep spelling "questionnaire" with two r's instead of two n's). Wondering what I've been up to? JEWELRY!...

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guest blogger

Earring Display { Guest Post }

I am pleased to introduce you to my newest guest blogger-- Katy Sue!  She has been a follower of my blog for quite some time, so I am glad you all get to meet her! Today she is sharing how to make a DIY Earrings Display. Don't forget to check out { her blog }, too! __________________________ Hi everyone! My name is KatySue Pillsbury...

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Blog Events

So... I'm starting to compile all of the online events I have participated in. Here goes! ...

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Easy Celtic Knotwork

I know, you're thinking, "Does such a thing exist?" Today is St. Patrick's Day! Time to wear some green, get pinched if you don't, and watch some parades.  Oh, yeah, and it's also a day to celebrate and remember the holy life of this missionary saint. Have you read his beautiful prayer yet?  I saw this video a few days ago (in a...

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guest blogger

DIY Beaded Star Earrings { Guest Post }

I would like to introduce you to my very first guest blogger, Joanna. Joanna has been an online friend of mine for quite awhile. Back when we were working on the Shadow of the Bear fundraiser, she made this dazzling necklace.  Today, she will be sharing the instructions. Aren't her diagrams...

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Giveaway! 80 followers!

<a href="http://shealynns-faerie-shoppe.blogspot.com/2011/03/giveaway-80-followers.html" target="_blank"><img alt="Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe" src="http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/231/giveawaybutton1313.png" /></a>Eeeeep! The Faerie Blog has 80 Blogger followers! Back in January, I promised you a giveaway when I hit 80 followers. At the time, there were only 39 amazing Fairy People. 80 seemed a very long way away. What a treat it was to log onto Blogger this morning and see 3 new followers! (New followers--...

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Recently I've been featured in several new Artfire Collections (much like Etsy treasuries). I wanted to share them with you! I'm so honored to be included! Here's to HP and St. Pat's day... ...

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Car Part Anvil and Celtic Knotwork

*best hillbilly voice* Ma daddy's reaaaal awesome. 'E got mea anvil! That's right-- I now have an anvil for hammering wire jewelry. You'll never guess what the anvil actually is! ...

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ink and fairydust

Oh, no! She's disappeared! ...and other updates.

No, I haven't disappeared! As I mentioned earlier, I am cutting back on my computer time this Lent. I'll still be checking my email and the Shoppe daily, so nothing important will be missed. :) As far as the Faerie Blog goes... dear Fairy People, never fear! I'll be posting once a week or so.... and I have some awesome guest bloggers lined...

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Switchplate Covers { Tutorial }

The latest addition to my artsy-craftsy bedroom decorating is... switchplate covers!   (Also known as lightswitch covers.) I also made some covers for electrical outlets and some funky pokey-thing whose purpse I have not the least clue of. I was not able to decorate the cover on the phone outlet because the covers seems to be attached to the wires. The covers in...

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