A PROLOUGE TO THIS POST A prologue (Greek πρόλογος prologos, from the word pro (before) and lógos, word) is an opening to a story that establishes the setting and gives background details. -- Sir Wikipedia This is the post that disapeared. It existed one moment and was gone the next. It went POOF. And it made me so sad. It has been two weeks...
Sometimes I amaze myself by just how much I do. Over the last several months, I have been so busy (I know, I know, you are tired of hearing that!)-- and I've barely had the time to sit down and draw, much less the time to sit down with pliers, beads, and all my delicious jewelry findings. I feel like I haven't been...
Part 1 HERE She must be one of the Wood Elves of Mirkwood. Singing to trees? (Yes, she was singing while I was taking the pictures. I thought it would make her relax and feel more natural in front of a camera, but I have a feeling she just thought I was out of my mind. But then again, aren't I always?) I love...
Meet Jewel the Elf Aiya! ("Hello" in Quenya. In Sindarin, it is "Suilad." Non-geeks: this is Tolkien's Elvish.) I love photography. :) It's an art that I'm just barely touching the surface of, and it is so much fun! Recently I was asked by a friend, "Jewel," to do her senior photoshoot. (!!!) I was going to use my dad's work camera, a...