
Wire Braiding-- Cuffs

My latest technique is braiding wire! I saw this technique used while browsing Etsy and Artfire, figured out that it was just braiding, and decided to give it a go! But I soon learned that it is not "just braiding". I couldn't find anything to attach the wire ends to... the wire needs to stay flat... and you have to BEND rather than...

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Hollow Book

June 20th 2010 I love cubbyholes, secret passageways, keys, old maps, and tiny treasures. And I love books. A hollow book is right down my alley. If you Google "how to make a hollow book" you will get lots of helpful instructions, such as this website. Mine is a rather ametuer production. I didn't have a "box cutter" (whatever that is) so I...

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My Masquerade Costume

This post is for the Masquerade event over at AmandaBeth Online. You can read about it in this post. Tinuviel Luthien For my Sweet 16/Moving Away party, I had a masquerade party at home. My friends love costuming and acting, so everyone dressed up and adopted a character to act as when masks are on. You can see all of the masks on...

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Masquerade Masks!

This post is being published early for AmandaBeth's Masquerade Online Event. Info HERE. It is because of this event that you get ALL these pictures! :) One of many homemade masks! Everyone ready for LOTS OF FUN! Haha, I didn't have to blur anyone's faces for privacy because they are all wearing masks. :) I had a Sweet 16/Moving Away party a few...

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