(P.S. Don't forget to check out the Shoppe-- tommorrow is the last day of free shipping/special prices!) Day 20: Something Orange Because sometimes, your life isn't complete until you've drawn a super-cute orange owl with glasses. Photoshop is fun, by the way. Day 21: Something You Want Going materialistic here and drawing a thing, even though there are many things that I want......
(Hey, be sure to visit the Pink Lemonade blog to enter a giveaway of one of my chainmaille cross necklaces!) (Also, I'm running Black Friday-Cyber Monday sales. Starting today and lasting until Monday, get free shipping on your order from Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe, plus special sale prices on many items! It's the perfect time to get Christmas presents... plus it'd make me very...
More features! Again, it is so hard to choose just one favorite per person per week... So I wen the eenie-meenie-minie-mo route. Go check out the artists' blogs to see more beautiful drawings! Victoria (Raindrops and Moonlight) drew Rapunzel! Yay! Alison (Mousin' About) drew this sweet sketch... technically it is just some additional sketching, and not part of the 30 Day Drawing Challenge,...
The latest issue of Ink and Fairydust is finally published! I've worked very hard on this issue (I am the graphics editor), so it's with a big sigh of happiness and exhaustion that I announce this! :) Our writers have really stepped up and written some wonderful, funny, and deep articles and stories... Can't view the embedded version? Visit the original link: http://issuu.com/inkandfairydust/docs/nov-dec_final...
Trying my best to get caught up here. :) Day 15's challenge was Draw a Family Picture. I attempted to draw miniature portraits of everyone in my family, putting each portrait in a frame that somewhat "matches" each person's personality. If you'll recall how my previous miniature drawing went... you'll understand why I gave up. It's a project to come back to when...
Yes, this is coming to quite late. Quite late indeed. Forgive me. My brain seems to have a few loose wires at the moment. Here are some favorite drawings from the talented people who have joined in the drawing challenge! It was extremely hard to choose only one per person... go visit their blogs to see artwork! The first few drawings are from the...
Let's see... where am I? ...
The Children of Lir Once, a Celtic king had four handsome and kindly children whom he loved very much. An enchantress grew jealous of the King's love for his children. She lured them away from their home, tricking them into thinking that they were visiting their grandfather. The enchantress cast a terrible spell on the four children. They morphed into beautiful swans-- and...
Day 12: Most Recent Accomplishment My most recent big accomplishment is becoming Graphics Editor of Ink and Fairydust and surviving the first issue! However, me sitting in front of a computer would make for a boring drawing. I thought about drawing one of my favorite accomplishments: jumproping on the unicycle. However, that isn't exactly a new accomplishment... So I drew my latest talent:...
Today I'm doing 7 Quick Takes a'la Conversion Diary! 1. Yesterday's theme for the 30 Day Drawing Challenge was Draw a Turning Point in Your Life. I think that they day I was born was a very important time for me. This is based off of a photo of me in the hospital the day I was born. Yes, I actually had that strange...