This is the latest post in the Epic Decorate-My-Bedroom-With-Crafts blog series. Click {here} for more cool and admittedly crazy decor creations. ----------------- Why, hello, there! I'll bet you have stayed up many a night, wondering how to put a nightlight in a place that has very little space. No? How silly. I've stayed up a wee bit late for two full nights, pondering...
A nice little medley for you today... Scroll down for the printable. Last week, I got put in charge of painting a set!!! Me. And the set. And the tree. Because there is a funny inside joke with that tree. Read more.... ...
Here is the last ring tutorial (at least so far!). It is a super easy wirewrapped ring. You can do it without any experience at all! As usual, please excuse my UM's and the shaky camera. Gonna get better at that. You will need:WireA fat markerPliers*optional* beads and other decorations Click {here} to see my other ring tutorials!!! Did YOU make a ring...
This is a post from my old blog, Nevdroonia. Since I'm on a Lord of the Rings kick right now, I thought I'd share it with all of you! I don't claim to have this all correct. I wrote this post... when I was 13? 14? and was very confused about the info on Elvish. Please feel free to ask questions or correct...
I've had several people ask me why I sell on Artfire instead of Etsy or other platforms (well, I do have a just-getting-started Etsy store, but focus on Artfire). So I wanted to share some of my favorite things about Artfire... ...
*fangurl squeal* Have you seen the new behind-the-scenes video for The Hobbit? You can watch it right here if you haven't: Here is the Hobbit Movie News website. It sounds like they are changing things up from the books a bit... adding in more of the stories happening at Middle Earth during the time of the Hobbit (not just telling the Hobbit story)....
Today I have two video tutorials for y'all! I'd like to apologize for lots of "um"s, fumbly fingers, and shaking camera. It's kind of hard to film a film of yourself, all by yourself! Before you begin either of these projects, I suggest you attempt the Wirewrapped Rosette Ring tutorial { HERE }. These two tutorials assume that you have been able to...
"What's up?" "The sky." I get that answer every time I ask that question. Today I am giving you one of those super-duper wrap-up posts. Don't worry. Awesome craft posts coming soon. As in, tomorrow. ___________________________ It's really disheartening to lose hard work. ...
I'm sorry my blog was out of commission for a day! Blogger had some matinence issues-- everyone had problems, posts temporarily removed, etc. I'm back up and running now, though! Bramblewood Fashion is having a Spring Gala Blog Party! :) Here's my answers to the questionnaire: (rushed answers, because I did this when I had a brain freeze on my literature essay but...
I love wrought iron art. The richness of the metal, the character of the forging, and the Art-Noveau-ish-ness of the designs are very beautiful. Unfortunately, wrought iron kind of costs money. Imagine my amazement (and my why didn't I think of that?!) when I saw Suzy's Faux Wrought Iron Tutorial. I knew I had to make this project for my bedroom. (I'm decorating...
Remember how I said I was going to decorate my room... in a totally cool, mostly DIY, and very cheap sort of way? Nothing is easier and cheaper than scrapbook paper! Read on... ...
This is a pre-published post to let you know why there hasn't been a post recently. TODAY IS MY CONFIRMATION! Two of my brothers are also getting confirmed! :) Please pray for us! (Regular post will resume in a couple of days) ...
I'm so excited! I can barely believe it! I logged on today to see... 100 followers on my blogger dashboard! Actually... 107, which is even more awesome! It's amazing to think that 107 people are interested in the crazy craftiness and random creativeness of a 16 year old girl. I'm truly honored to have you reading my blog! :) Welcome, new readers! I...
Have you ever wondered how to make a beautiful ring... all by yourself? I finally edited and uploaded the long promised Ring Tutorial! This video (6 minutes long) teaches you how to make Wirewrapped Rosette/Knot/Spiral rings. You will need: pliers a mandrel or thick marker wire (copper is the easiest to work with) Enjoy! I hope this helps you make some of your...
I'm thinking of starting a blog party featuring... quotes! Would you be interested? I've wanted to start a blog hop for awhile now, but am aware that my readers have all sorts of interests. Plus, there are already so many art/craft/writing specific blog hops out there. This linky would allow you to share your own interests... you'll just have to be creative and use a...